Easy Tips for Growing Your Indoor Herb Garden

Easy Tips for Growing Your Indoor Herb Garden

Have you ever wanted to start your own indoor herb garden, but not known where to start? Just follow these easy steps.

There is nothing better than adding fresh herbs to your recipes. And growing your own herbs at home is not only practical and cost-effective, but also fun. You can even make it a project with your kids. There are a few options for starting your indoor herb garden. First, start with either purchased plant seedlings or seed packets. Also, you can also dig up plants you already have outside to repurpose for your indoor herb garden.

However you decide to begin your garden, eventually you’ll have a wonderful assortment of fresh herbs to choose from.

Indoor Herb Garden Step 1: Pick Your Location

Mint and basil in a pot near a window

First, you need to pick the best location in your home or office to begin your garden. Your growing herbs need at least six hours of bright sunlight a day. Keep in mind the direction your window faces if you are growing a windowsill garden. Herbs such as mint and parsley grow best under west-facing windows. However, most other herbs thrive with southern exposure.

herbs in pots lined on a windowsill with sunlight coming in

wheatgrass growing in a planter under artificial lights

Additionally, if you do not have a window that allows for six hours of sunlight or the winter months make growth difficult, there are a variety of grow light options available. However, remember not to run your grow lights all the time. This is also harmful for your garden. Instead, some grow lamps have built in timers in order to provide your plants with just the right amount of light.

Indoor Herb Garden Step 2: Choosing Your Herbs

different herbs hanging from a string

While there are a large variety of herbs you can choose for your indoor herb garden, if you’re a beginner with gardening, it might help to only start with around three to five. This will help you manage your new, budding garden as you hone your skills. Start by choosing from these wonderful herbs:

  • Chives
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Bay Laurel
  • Lemongrass
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • And more!

Like we said, there are plenty to choose from, so pick your favorites!

Indoor Herb Garden Step 3: Planting and Care

woman planting and spraying her herb seeds with full grown herbs around her.

When planting from seeds, you can follow the seed packet directions for proper planting. An indoor temperature of approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for seed germination. You can plant your seeds in shallow seed trays or in whatever pot or planter you are planning to use for your garden.

Furthermore, make sure whatever planters you use have proper drainage, so your plants aren’t sitting in water. We recommend ceramic or plastic pots because they won’t dry out quickly like clay.

Your herbs will need to be watered regularly, but make sure not to overwater. They also like plenty of humidity and air circulation. While your herbs are growing, you can use vegetable and herb-specific fertilizer to stimulate the growth.

woman watering her basil plant in the kitchen sink

Once your herbs have grown, they should thrive in most indoor temperatures. However, avoid extremes above or below 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit.

You won’t need too many tools to keep up with your garden. Still, having a small watering can, something to cut and harvest the fresh herbs, and a misting spray bottle on hand would help!

In conclusion, growing herbs indoors is fun, easy, and rewarding. Soon you can enjoy always having fresh herbs on hand for your favorite dishes. Research the best conditions for the herbs you want to grow and soon you’ll be on your way!

Leave a comment if you have any additional tips for our readers for growing your own indoor herb garden. And as always, feel free to reach out to us directly at _ if you have any questions!
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